Photo of A. Kate Margolis

Kate Margolis provides insurance coverage advice for policyholders. She knows that insurance coverage is essential to the long-term viability of any business. Kate helps policyholders preserve coverage both before and after a claim arises. She advises regarding terms and conditions and potential gaps in coverage when clients are evaluating their insurance programs.  For example, cyber insurance has fast become a crucial part of any insurance program. Kate recently co-authored the Guide to Cyber Insurance: Building a Program, Procuring Coverage, Managing Claims and Litigating Disputes, published by RIMS, the Risk Management SocietyTM.

When coverage disputes do arise, Kate is committed to cost-effective and creative solutions to achieve a satisfactory business resolution if possible and unrelenting advocacy when litigation is warranted. Kate has helped clients navigate roadblocks to coverage for nearly 20 years.

Parties to a lawsuit may have vastly different perspectives on the validity and value of a claim, but as a matter of course, the issue of settlement will arise. Trial is an exceedingly expensive endeavor with an uncertain result. From a risk management perspective, the decision to settle is critical. Yet under liability policies that

This is the first in a series of discussions about issues that arise on a regular basis after policyholders file an insurance claim.

Many liability insurance policies require the insurer to defend the insured. This “duty to defend” usually includes the right to select defense counsel – typically “panel counsel” from a list of pre-approved

Wyoming Supreme Court Rules Refinery Company Can Seek Extracontractual Insurance Recovery Against Holdout InsurerIn a landmark victory for policyholders, the Supreme Court of Wyoming found that a subsidiary of Sinclair Oil can invoke statutory bad faith damages  after prevailing in a coverage dispute with its insurer, Infrassure. The court rejected the district court’s analysis that supported the insurer’s narrow interpretation of the state’s insurance code. On certification from